Some areas of the Province got hit with another spring snow storm Monday and more snow is in the forecast for later in the week.

G3 Canada’s Weather and Crop Specialist Bruce Burnett says generally any moisture now is a welcome site as Western parts of Saskatchewan and into Alberta went into the fall on the dry side.

"We didn't fully research the profiles except in a few cases so certainly those areas are in need of some timely rains this spring and in the south we need some rains to get the topsoil moisture recharged and ready for planting season once it finally does come."

Meantime, we are seeing a return to cooler temperatures now which are wlcomed for the most part, "in most areas the crop hadn't broken dormancy so this again will keep the winter wheat and winter cereal crops from getting a little bit too far ahead of themselves."

Those same cooler temperatures may be bad news for Winter Wheat crops in Kansas which have already broken dormancy.

He notes the eastern side of the prairies may have seen some damage to their crops with snow melt , flooding and then freezing which isn’t good for the winter wheat crop.