An agricultural equipment retailer has made a hefty donation to the Jim Pattison Children's Hospital Foundation.

Sean Young, assistant general manager of Young's Equipment, says a big part of the donation was helping out more rural areas.

"They started talking to us about the provincial pediatric transport team. That's something that just kind of resonated with us, kind of hit home for us. I think everyone everyone knows and can agree that the work that the hospital does is incredibly important and when we look at the transport side of things, it helps provide access to those services all across the province."

"Being in a business where we have employees, we have customers that live in rural areas, in remote areas and certainly you know further away from Saskatoon ways to enhance that accessibility. It's something that's important to us."

The Jim Pattison Children's Hospital Foundation was very happy to receive the donation.

“This significant contribution from Young’s Equipment will enhance our provincial pediatric transport team and Saskatchewan’s only PICU, allowing us to provide comprehensive and timely care to our youngest and most vulnerable patients,” said Brynn Boback Lane, president and CEO of Jim Pattison Children’s Hospital Foundation.

“With their support, we can further our mission of delivering transformative pediatric care throughout Saskatchewan ensuring that every child has access to the life-saving treatments they need, regardless of their postal code. Thank you for helping us bring hope and healing to countless families.”

Young says that they're planning to get involved in other opportunities to support people.

"There's always more requests or more needs than you could ever fill. But I mean throughout the year and every year, we try to find opportunities to support communities, support communities where we work and where live, where our customers live, where our employees live. Maybe not something on this scale, but we try to get involved with all kinds of different organizations and there's no plans to change that."