If you are driving down one of the area’s highways and you see a bicyclist with a brightly emblazoned tunic diligently clocking clicks, chances are it’s Leroy’s Andrew Geyer on an important mission. For the past couple of summers, Geyer has taken to area roadways with the Great Canadian Cycle Challenge to help fight cancer in kids. 

The one-month long challenge held in August is held in conjunction with the SickKids Foundation, the largest charitable funder of child health research, learning and care in Canada. Riders can sign up online to accept the challenge, set a personal target to pedal in August, and log the kilometres for the month. Donors can contribute online based on the challenges’ goals or they can simply donate to the rider, either online or in person to receive a charitable donation receipt. It’s up to the riders to set their goals.  

For Geyer, that goal is 1500 km during the month, 500 kilometres more than his target last year. The South African native, an HSE advisor for HBJV at BHP Jansen Potash Mine has set a goal that has him averaging about 49km a day without any rest days to stay on track. In the first 14 days of the month, Geyer has clocked 734 kilometres and sits 14th in the province for dollars collected.  

“There’s lots of cycling between Humboldt and Lanigan, LeRoy and Lanigan, as well as LeRoy to Humboldt with a few trips to Watson,” says Geyer, charting his usual routes. “So I’ll be out on Highways 5 and 6 and around LeRoy. You’ll see me out and about.” 

Geyer’s motivation for his participation in the Challenge is simple and straightforward.  

“I’m a firm believer that kids should be playing outside, running and having fun, and they shouldn’t be fighting for their lives. So I said if I can make a difference in just one kid’s life, I’ll do it. So I took on this challenge last year and completed it successfully. This is my second year.” 

To help Andrew with the Great Canadian Cycle Challenge, donations can be made directly on the Great Cycle Challenge website by searching for Andrew Geyer. They can also be made on his Facebook page or in cash. You will also receive a tax receipt for your support.   

If you see Geyer on his regular route, take precautions, honk, give a wave and support a great cause.  

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