Humboldt City Council voted on a recommendation to establish a new committee to assist in governance for the Humboldt Golf Course. The Golf Course Government Committee would be designed to support planning and to assist with operational challenges. 

The report presented to Council notes that the proposal of a committee is in response to the Humboldt Golf Club Inc. (HGC) identifying difficulty for courses to generate the revenue to consistently cover operating expenses. 

The City’s representatives along with HGC keys agreed that a first step would be to establish a committee with representation from both agencies. The 18 hole golf course is located on land owned by the City and managed by the HGC through a long-term lease agreement established in 1991.

At the January 23 regular meeting of City Council, City Manager Joe Day framed the situation for Council.

“I think it’s fair to say that a lot of smaller organizations in the sports, recreation and culture area are all struggling a bit as to sustainability. The golf course is located entirely on City owned land, and therefore the City has an investment in its sustainability. Representatives of the golf course have asked to work with the City in trying to develop any new business models to try to ensure some long term sustainability, as we do recognize the golf course is an attraction in the area.” 

The Committee would be tasked with creating these ideas to generate additional revenue, explained Day. He said, where necessary, any of those ideas that required City approval or impacted finance or operations would come back to Council for approval. 

One of the most recent involvements by the City at the request of the HGC was underwriting a loan for the three-season event facility on the Humboldt Golf Course grounds.

Council passed the motion to form the committee. The terms of reference are posted in the meeting agenda on the City’s website.