Informative programming for the public has been a mainstay of Social Work Week in Humboldt and area. This year has a pair of opportunities, one for helping professionals and one for the public. 

On Tuesday night, March 21, the Saskatchewan Association of Social Work (SASW) is hosting a community event entitled Creating Connections: Recognizing and Reducing Stressors in a Post Pandemic World. It’s a free event in the Charleston Room at the Bella Vista Inn from 7:00 - 8:30 pm. No registration is required. Connie Herman of the Saskatchewan Prevention Institute will present and lead the discussion. 

“We’ll see some discussion about what’s going on in our world right now,” says Carla Jule with the Humboldt Chapter of the SASW. “We’re seeing a lot more anxiety, burnout and depression - experiencing a lot of different feelings.”

Connie Herman organizes the “Nobody’s Perfect” parenting program and has facilitated numerous training sessions for parents, teachers and many helping professionals. She has a wide range of experience and has guided many similar discussions. 

“She focuses on our brains and self-regulation, so she’ll have a lot of tips for dealing with things that are going on in our world,” Jule says. 

The following day will be the session for social workers and other helping professionals to be conducted at the Horizon School Division office. Dubbed Creating Connections for Health and Wellness, the day-long workshop will explore concepts of stress, trauma, self-regulation and co-regulating support. The discussion will also revolve around what happens in our brain, body, emotions and behaviours when we experience stress. While on-line registration has closed, professionals can still attend with the $25 registration fee, Jule says. 

It’s an important part of Social Work Week in the province, as social workers and mental health professionals come together to present important information to their membership and to the public.