There is big excitement in the bowling community as a team of women prepares to embark on a first-ever competition for Humboldt and area.  

The North East Saskatchewan Ladies Bowling Team qualified for Nationals at the Great Western Open Provincials in Saskatoon, and now they’ll represent the province at the Canadian 5-pin Bowling Association Nationals in Ottawa, Ontario from May 28-June 1, 2024. 

The Ladies team representing Saskatchewan is Jamie Dufault (Humboldt), Myrna Ruthven (Humboldt), Sharla Schrader (Yorkton), Theresa McKenzie (Yorkton), Brittany Schaefer (Esterhazy) and Holly Stratulat (Humboldt).  They will be coached by Wanda Sweatman (Wadena). 

Each bowler qualified for a spot on the Provincial team at the end of January at the North East Zone qualifier in Yorkton.  The top 6 ladies from this tournament earned a spot on the Provincial team, with the top 3 ladies also competing at provincials in an individual singles competition. The top female bowler from this competition was Jamie Dufault who averaged 223 in 18 games. Followed by Myrna Ruthven with a 220 average and Sharla Schrader with a 216 average. 

This is the first time the Provincial Championships have been held by our North East zone,” says Ruthven. “The Provincial Championships have been held since 1954, so it’s been 50 years until we actually made it, so we’re really excited.” 

The North East team had to accumulate points in team and individual play in the provincials. Team North East competed against zones from Regina, Saskatoon, Prince Albert and the South. At the end of the round robin Team North East sat in first place with 64 out of 96 points. 

Playoffs were completed as a stepladder event where the top five singles and the top three teams competed. One game at each step was played with the winner continuing to climb the stepladder hoping to make it to compete against the top qualifying individual/team from the round robin. At the top of the stepladder, competitors needed to beat the top individual/team twice to be crowned provincial champions. 

On Monday, the much anticipated and long-awaited trip to the nation’s capitals begins, where the ladies’ team will pit itself against the best in the country.