For those of you that don't know, I've been working at Bolt FM since the middle of October as part of the Career & Work Exploration class. What this class entails is I go work at a business in town and go there from 1-3:30 PM every day. I don't get paid but in exchange, I get two high school credits. So that's why you've been seeing my names on some blogs since middle October. 

I have picked up some unique skills along the way like how to edit a video, how to write a blog, getting to see how the ads run etc. I really enjoyed learning how these things work in a radio station and for broadcasting in general. These skills could become very handy in the future. 

I also met a lot of great people here during the 4+ months that I was here. The people here have been great and I thank them for being great co-workers these last few months. 

Today might be the last day that I am here in the afternoon but that doesn't mean I won't be working here anymore. I will still be board oping (if you don't know what that is it's playing commercials during Bronco games) for Bronco games when they are still on the road. But that will be at night when no one is here. 

So, if this is the last blog I'd like to thank all of you who read my blogs. I really hope you enjoyed them. And just because I may not be doing blogs anymore doesn't mean you have to stop reading the articles and blogs on the website because they're very good. I may continue writing blogs while I board op but I'm not too sure yet. 

Thank You, everyone!