Once the snowfall melts and evaporates, the spirit of spring will re-emerge, and so will the smell of sizzling steak on the sultry air.  

That’s the time for the annual Muenster Elks Steak Barbecue on April 27 at the Muenster Community Hall. The community supper has become well known as one of the spring staples in the region that never fails to please. 

Gord Kiefer, exalted ruler of the Muenster Lodge, is keeper of the menu. 

“This is our 28th annual steak supper in Muenster. It's a tremendous meal with a great big 12-ounce strip loin steak. All our funds this year are going to support the local community hall. In past years, we always support local projects in Humboldt, Muenster and all around the area. We're really excited about doing this again.” 

Along with the steaks are beautifully roasted baked potatoes, the signature mushroom side, salad and of course desserts and beverages a plenty. 

It's the last kick before summer when everyone gets together, has a great meal and lots of fun. 

Tickets are $30 each, available through the Muenster Co-op and Uptown Barber. Get them now before they’re gone.