Saskatoon recently made the New York Times list for places to travel in 2018 because of the Remai Modern museum. Saskatoon was the only Canadian city to make the list.

This had me thinking, what if Humboldt and area made the list? What attractions would Humboldt and Area have made the list for?

I asked listeners on Facebook what they thought they biggest attraction would be.

Brenda-Tim Lloyd said "The Danish Oven!" 

Other listeners commented on the other attractions around Humboldt, such as St. Peter's College and Abbey, the Water Tower and the Museum and Gallery.

I think the coolest attraction in the Humboldt area would be Manitou Beach. With the mineral spa and Danceland, this has to be my favourite.

This area of Saskatchewan is a place that people should visit at least once in their life, there are so many cool hidden gems in the Humboldt area.