The province continues to be the most attractive jurisdiction in the country regarding oil and gas investment. According to the Fraser Insitute's 2023 Canada-US Energy Sector Competitiveness Survey, Saskatchewan ranked third out of 17 competing jurisdictions.  

West Central Online caught up with Rosetown-Elrose MLA and Energy and Resources Minister Jim Reiter to talk about the news, and just how important the energy sector is to the province and west-central area.  

“It employs close to 30,000 people in the industry, so you can imagine the spin offs from that. So, it's huge for the economy. The survey is very important, I think it sends the right message to investors, they know Saskatchewan is business friendly and that we want that industry to continue to grow like we want the rest of the province to grow.” 


Back to the survey, Saskatchewan was only the top in the country, but top three in North America as well. 

Saskatchewan also ranked first in Canada for mining investment attractiveness, according to the Fraser Institute's Annual Survey of Mining Companies: 2022. Total mineral sales for fiscal 2022 surpassed $19 billion. Not only that, but the province also cracked the top three in all the world when it comes to mining.  

Mr. Reiter also talked about Saskatchewan remaining on track for the 2030 Growth Plan.  

“The Growth Plan for 2030 is ambitious, but we think most of those things are achievable. Oil, gas and mining all play a big role in that. We just talked about how many people are employed in those sectors. We want that to continue to grow. We think the future is bright for both of those industries.”