In the midst of stalled talks with Saskatchewan teachers, the Government of Saskatchewan has devised its own contribution that it says will encourage teachers to develop their own solutions for increasingly diverse and challenging classrooms.  

The Government introduced a pilot for a Teacher Innovation and Support Fund. As of January 10, applications will be accepted from Saskatchewan teachers to access funding for projects that assist in providing better student and teacher experiences within today's classrooms. A Government release says the goal of this fund is to have local, innovative ideas be brought forward to continue to enhance our classrooms in such areas as student achievement, student and teacher wellness, and school safety. 

"The Government of Saskatchewan is listening to teachers and is engaged in finding practical solutions to improve the classroom environment for teachers and students," Education Minister Jeremy Cockrill said. "Through this pilot, we are committed to hearing directly from teachers about meaningful opportunities to improve their experience in the classroom."  

This $2.5 million pilot project will run until the end of the 2024-25 school year and will begin immediately. This funding will allow teachers to work with their school administration to apply for up to $75,000 to put toward their ideas. 

The application is available on the Government of Saskatchewan website.