The recent announcement by REACT Waste Management that the cost of bags for its bag and tag services have gone up to $4.50 from $3.50 tag has communities and residents still using the service wondering how to proceed.  

A message sent from REACT to participating community administrations noted the pricing change, effective January 2, 2024. The email explained that the increase was due to increased costs associated with the collection and disposal of refuse. 

Some communities formerly with the bag and tag program have migrated to automated curbside pickup. The Town of Bruno and the Village of Muenster recently introduced polls or public meetings to assess the interest in switching to bins and the automated service. In both cases, the decision was to stick with the bag and tag method with increasing costs of curbside pickup being a chief concern. Other concerns in those communities included challenges for seniors in placing the bins, moving them in winter, and a two-week rotational pick up schedule. 

Now with the increase in tag prices, communities are looking at the prospect of consulting with residents once again. Depending on usage, the bag and tag method could easily be more costly than the automated alternative. Community councils and administrations have invited the public to weigh in once again by contacting the respective offices.  

REACT was contacted for comment but it did not respond by publication time.