It’s been a quick turnaround for four players from the 18UAAA East Central Red Sox baseball squad. They’re shifting gears from a celebration of a Team Sask Bronze Medal at this past weekend’s Canada Cup national tournament in Regina to mounting their home team’s run at the National 18U Championships starting on Thursday in Fort McMurray. 

The Bronze medal game on Monday, August 14 featured Red Sox players Cam Marshak, Dallen Rude, Cade Armstrong and Marek Yeager. It was a close defensive battle that resulted in the 1-0 victory for Team Sask over Quebec. In the previous semi-final, pitcher Dallen Rude put BC on notice with a strong pitching effort in a game that just got away from the Sask boys. 

That set up the Bronze Medal game against Quebec, where again pitching was an integral feature. Team Sask’s Reese Bronze took the mound and pitched the shutout, striking out 10 on the Quebec side. Brons has family connections with the Muenster and Lake Lenore areas.  

At the plate, the Sox’s Cam Marshak led the way with 3 of four hits. In the end, the teams went neck and neck until the very end, tied at zero a piece. It was a Boston Bast single in the bottom of the 7th that drove in Marshak to seal the deal in favour of team Sask. 

Now, the quartet joins their team and hops on a bus bound for Fort McMurray and the National Tournament that awaits them. The opening ceremonies go Wednesday, and the Red Sox will see action on Thursday at 10:00 am against British Columbia.  

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