Despite recent rainfalls hampering seeding progress over the last week, Saskatchewan producers are still getting work done to get seeds in the ground.

The latest crop report shows that 56 per cent of crops have been sown, compared to 32 per cent last week.

This is behind the five-year average of 76 per cent and the 10-year average of 74 per cent. 

Crops Extension Specialist with the Ministry of Agriculture Meghan Rosso talks about how the different regions are doing around the province.

"Producers in the southwest are sitting at 64 per cent complete. The northwest is sitting at 63 per cent complete, followed by the southeast at 61 per cent. The east central region is 54 per cent complete, followed by the northeast and west central regions at 48 per cent and 47 per cent complete."

Northern regions of the province received more rainfall over the week, resulting in an improvement in overall moisture levels for the province.

"With the recent rainfall, cropland, topsoil moisture is rated at 6 per cent surplus, 89 per cent adequate, 5 per cent short," said Rosso, "Hay land topsoil moisture is reported at 3 per cent surplus, 85 per cent adequate, 11 per cent short, and 1 per cent very short. Pasture conditions are similar and they are rated at 3 per cent surplus, 83 per cent adequate, 12 per cent short and 2 per cent very short." 

Some early-seeded crops are seeing emergence, with the province overall reporting good emergence figures.

Rosso detailed some pasture conditions which also seem to be doing well with the rain.

"Currently pasture conditions are rated at 12 per cent excellent, 55 per cent good, 26 per cent fair, 6 per cent poor, and 1 per cent very poor across province."

Rosso says farmers should make sure to be vigilant for any crop damage that comes through the next few weeks, including weather and pest damage.