In January, police across Saskatchewan issued 781 tickets to drivers who failed to stop or yield at intersections according to SGI’s January’s Traffic Safety Spotlight. 

The January and February Traffic Safety Spotlights highlighted ways that drivers could avoid collisions, one of the more important tips, says SGI, was taking extra care at intersections as that is where nearly half of all collisions take place. 

“Disregarding – or failing to notice -- a red light, a stop sign or a yield sign is dangerous, and potentially expensive. A ticket for failing to stop or yield costs $230, and being responsible for a collision comes with several other potential costs like insurance deductibles, Safe Driver Recognition demerits, and being without a vehicle while yours is repaired (or replacing it if it’s written off),” stated SGI in a release. 

SGI released some tips on avoiding a collision or a ticket:

  • If you’re at a stop sign, you must come to a full stop and be sure the way is clear before proceeding.  
  • A yield sign means you must reduce speed when approaching an intersection. Give right of way and stop if necessary if any other traffic is in, or closely approaching the intersection. 
  • If you have a red light, you must stop and remain stopped until the light changes. If you're making a right turn at an intersection, you may make the turn (unless it’s specifically prohibited at that intersection), but only after stopping and yielding the right of way to pedestrians and to any vehicles traveling through the intersection. 

Other results SGI reported from January’s Traffic Safety Spotlight were:

  • 3,501 tickets for speeding and aggressive driving offences
  • 227 tickets for people not wearing a seatbelt, or not using the proper car seat or booster
  • 495 tickets for distracted driving, including 403 for using a cell phone. 
  • 459 impaired driving offences (298 drivers received administrative suspensions and 161 drivers were charged under the Criminal Code).