St. Peter’s College is set to host an open house on February 10, at 10:00 am and February 24 at 10:00 am for those interested in attending the college. 

“The open house is a great opportunity for anybody that wants to come to check out the college. We do a bit of a presentation on the types of things we offer at St. Peter’s College; [that includes] scholarships, our programs, and just our vibrant student life, just to give the people that are visiting that kind of idea of the stuff that we do here,” stated Jayden Engele with Student Services.

Open houses are also an opportunity to take a look at the school and meet the staff. 

“We also do a bit of a tour, we show them around the building, all the important places that the students can go, whether it’s the labs, the classrooms, any of the important rooms in the building. We take them across to our fantastic fitness facilities with the fitness centre, our gymnasium, and even where our hockey rink is.”

There is no cost to take part in the open house, but St. Peter’s College does ask for people to RSVP by clicking here

“It’s a great way for people who are maybe thinking post-secondary, or maybe thinking St. Peter’s College, but not quite sure, then they have that opportunity to really get a good sense of that community that we try to offer.”