The Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) is pleased to announce a colla”beer”ation with Nokomis Craft Ales, a brewery located in the rural community of Nokomis, Saskatchewan, who are pouring out $0.50 per can to support NCC initiatives. The beer is now available in stores throughout Saskatchewan, which is ideal timing to acquire some and enjoy during the upcoming September long weekend.

In addition to brewing up some fun for an important cause, Nokomis Craft Ales is also celebrating its "Hoppy 9th Anniversary," displayed on the front of the special edition cans. Flipping the can around reveals that grasslands, those incredible, endangered ecosystems, are getting their moment in the spotlight. These prairie wonders are crucial, not just for their breathtaking beauty and the species found in them, but also because they store billions of tonnes of carbon, filter our water and help lessen the effects of floods and droughts. So, go ahead, raise that can with pride, knowing that each sip supports the Nature Conservancy of Canada and its efforts to protect these landscapes.

Nokomis Craft Ales uses regionally grown ingredients to make its beer. In addition, the agricultural sector relies on wild pollinators for crop production. Grasslands provide nesting sites, refuge and food for a diverse community of wild pollinators and are essential to food security.

This partnership will bring awareness about and funding for Canada’s iconic Prairie grasslands — one of the world’s most endangered and least protected ecosystems. Over 80 per cent of them have been lost to conversion and human activity. Much of the remaining grasslands are owned or managed by livestock producers, with the majority being cattle ranchers. Sustainable ranching and biodiversity conservation can go hand in hand. In addition, many community pastures, such as Wreford-Nokomis Pasture, located near Nokomis Craft Ales, include remarkable prairie landscapes that are managed by producer groups. Supporting local community pastures is important in ensuring the conservation of many of the plants and animals that make the Prairies unique. For more information, visit

NCC recently launched the Prairie Grasslands Action Plan to conserve and restore more than 500,000 hectares by 2030 — an area six times the city of Calgary. This is equivalent to what we will lose if we don’t act now to protect the grasslands that remain. To learn more, visit

During these last few weeks of summer, stop by Nokomis Craft Ales or pick up a case of grasslands beer at a store near you. It’s a great way to support grassland conservation.