Ongoing concerns around the state of K-12 education in the province has led the Saskatchewan Teachers’ Federation to mount an ad campaign alerting parents and stakeholders to what it says is the provincial government “ignoring their responsibilities for public education.” 

The ad campaign, launched this week in tandem with schools’ returning, draws attention to issues of concern like crowded classrooms, a lack of access to professional resources, and continued budget cuts. A release by the STF states that these are issues that stand in the way of student learning and that make it difficult for teachers to continue in their roles.  

“Our new ad demonstrates the challenges students face in underfunded classrooms, and how teachers are working hard to support them,” said STF President Samantha Becotte. “The premier and new education minister are keen to talk about their billion-dollar surplus and growth that supposedly works for everyone. But their idea of growth isn’t working for the schools and children of our province.” 

The release cites a report by the Fraser Institute which found that between 2012- 2020, Saskatchewan recorded the second highest increase in student enrolment among provinces, while also seeing the second largest decrease in per-student funding. 

“The Fraser Institute’s new report confirms what the Saskatchewan Teachers’ Federation has been saying. The Saskatchewan government is providing less money for more students,” says Becotte. “You don’t need to be a math teacher to see that this does not add up. Saskatchewan is not a have-not province. Students and their families deserve a government that is willing to work with their partners to find solutions, not one that will play politics with serious classroom issues.” 

The commercial can be viewed on the STF YouTube channel. The STF invites concerned parties to connect with the conversation by visiting

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