It’s all systems go for the Muenster Cooperative Childcare Centre. It’s got the green light from the province along with the promise of funding for its initial 25 spaces.  

The proposed facility will be built from the ground up beginning with the first thaw this spring. The Centre will occupy a space at the northwest end of the Muenster School property through a lease agreement signed with the Horizon School Division. The project has a 4,300 square foot footprint.  

The next step in the process is securing a project manager and contractor for the project. Chair of the committee for the Childcare Centre Jenna Lee Novecosky explains the floor plans are ready, leading to the builder search.  

“We are tendering out drawings right now and looking for a general contractor. Once the ground thaws, we are hoping to break ground.” 

While the pieces are in place to start, there’s much more to do on the fundraising front. The committee's funding commitment for the project is $750,000.” 

“Luckily, we’ve been able raise $100,000 on our own over the last year and a half,” Novecosky says. “So far, from every member of the community, we’ve had nothing but good comments and good thoughts.” 

To date, the fundraisers have included an entertainment evening with a magician, the Muenster School Carnival event, a barbecue and various raffles. Another raffle is set to get under way shortly. The plan is to have their Annual General Meeting attended, along with an open house so people in the community can better see the project and the progress made thus far. Watch for further fundraising events.  

The group also welcomes corporate sponsorships and individual donations. A complete overview of the project along with donation information is available through a download on the Village of Muenster website.