On April 25th at approximately 10:30 am power outages were reported in Humboldt and the surrounding area due to a transmission pole on fire.

There are many communities affected and the estimated time of power return is unknown at this time.

Annaheim, Bruno, Drake, Humboldt, Jansen, Lake Lenore, Lanigan, Meacham, Middle Lake, Prud'Homme, St Gregor, Alvena, Cudworth, Domremy, Duck Lake, Hague, Hepburn, Laird, Prince Albert, Rosthern, St Benedict, Wakaw, Waldheim, Archerwill, Kelvington, Lintlaw, Margo, Rose Valley, and Wadena areas are affected.

It is unknown at this time what started the fire or where it is located.

We will update you will more information when it becomes available.

You can also check the outage map online here.