The Reid-Thompson Public Library had a successful year when it came to increasing readership. 

“At the library in 2023, circulation has increased, and community support of programs is high, as could be seen in the increased participation in the TD summer reading club.
We had a great summer program this year with a 30% increase in registration, which amounted to over 7,000 books recorded read,” stated Kate Lucyshyn, Branch Librarian at the Reid-Thompson Public Library. 

The library held numerous volunteer led programming such as:

  • Local paleontologist, Tyler Shaw (with the help of his son Ptoley) shared his knowledge of dinosaurs
  • Musician Walter Bushman paid tribute to Gordon Lightfoot
  • Sean Pratchler, a local entomophile (an insect enthusiast) shared his bug collection
  • French classes were taught by Gordon Benton
  • Candace Burkhart led a discussion on empowerment and self awareness
  • Paul Kneeshaw from Misty Gardes answered questions and presented on local gardening

Many Author talks took place at the library over 2023, such as Terry Brown and Ric Driediger, and storytelling with Lyndon Linklater.

“I would like to say thank you to the staff as well as the wonderful volunteers, board members and organizations who donate time and money to the library. They make all this possible,” stated Lucyshyn.