The Tuck Shop kitchen at Cudworth School is narrow, and barely big enough for one person.

The oven has a tendency to run too hot and burn food.

That’s all going to change thanks to a $10,000 grant from the Mosaic Extreme School Makeover Challenge.

“I was very excited,” principal Amber Kraus said of the news. “It’s a huge amount of money for a school and it will allow us to do a lot more.”

The Tuck Shop is run by local mom Leanne Loeffelholz, who provides snacks and lunch at a good price.

The renovations will mean she can offer more healthy meal options - meatballs, rice and broccoli rather than chicken nuggets and grilled cheese, Kraus said.

“I think it’s really important that kids have access to healthy options. And part of why we applied was to have the option for kids to volunteer in the kitchen space and also do some cooking classes, so kids are aware of what's going into their meals and where their food comes from, and how to prepare healthy cooking.”

Those classes will also provide an activity for kids who aren’t interested in sports, which are the typical pastime in a small town, she said.

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