In the turmoil of everyday traffic, there are many instances where things may not always go according to plan. Sometimes when this happens, aggressive tendencies will take the way in front of cooler heads. Day 6 of Canada's Road Safety Week turns the focus onto Aggressive Driving and what that all encompasses.

When it pops into your head, you may think of your typical road-rager. However, it has more or less evolved into a blanket-statement to cover the many different aspects of it. It can include running red lights, tailgating, weaving in and out of traffic, failing to yield the right of way, and as well careless driving.

Cst. Geoff Applegate with the Humboldt RCMP detachment went into detail about how critical today's segment is for the week.

"It's warm, with the long weekend we will see more highway-traffic congestion. As well, we are in the heart of farming country, there are numerous farmers out seeding and getting into the field. We all need to be sure to give them space and patience, and take more time to get where you are going."

As well, he noted traffic would see larger convoys, with campers and boats being taken out of storage and to handfuls of local parks and lakes.

Day 7 of the Road Safety Week will see the focus turn to Seatbelts.