Last week the Government of Saskatchewan tabled legislation to increase the penalties that come from drinking and driving.

Among the amendments are three-day vehicle seizures for experienced drivers that are impaired; applying zero tolerance for drugs and alcohol to drivers 21 and under; and strengthen ignition interlock laws.

Humboldt Collegiate Institute Students Against Distracted Driving member Jade Nemeth agrees with the changes.

"I think it's great, there are so many accidents due to people driving impaired, we have the highest impaired driving rates in Saskatchewan. I think it's a great start to have these new laws enforced and we will see how they work out for us."

While sharing their views on the changes which they are pleased with, Jordan Labuick who is also a SADD member shared their views.

"We promote save driving for new drivers as well as experienced ones. Also to be more involved in our community and promote safe behaviours."

Jamie White is one of the teacher supervisors for the group. She is also pleased with the alterations to the rules but she adds the mentality of drinking and driving needs to change and that's why it's crucial to have youth involved.

"If we start with our youth it's going to continue into their adulthood. The younger we start with the message of not drinking and driving and not being distracted while driving the more normal it becomes. I think we need to start with our youth and hopefully it will continue in adulthood and become the norm."

If the law changes are approved they will go into effect on New Year's Day.

Ahead of that watch for the SADD group on December 8th, they will partner with the RCMP for their annual red ribbon campaign on Main Street near Conexus from 7-9pm.

You can hear more from the SADD members who spoke with Sarah Miller Monday afternoon.