Wynyard Kinsmen and Kinettes hosted their second annual Winter Family Fun Day on Sunday.

The attendance was high, and according to Adrienne Jackson, the president of the Wynyard Kinettes, it doubled last year's turn out.

The weather was great for the day, which was a plus since last year's event fell on a minus 40 day. 

There were indoor activities planned as a back-up, incase bad weather was an issue.

Jackson added that the Wynyard Kin is close to their fundraising goal for Telemiracle 40.

"We're close to 10,000 dollars, we're closing in on that. That's our goal. Hopefully we can get there. We're just accepting silver collection donations today. We're not here as a fundraiser, we're just here as a service for today's event."

The hit of the day was the horse pulled sleigh, and the kids were super excited to climb on board and go for the ride.

Joss, a four-year-old girl at the event, added that the horses were the best part.