As bullying and discrimination continues to be present on a global stage, International Day of Pink is held annually to bring awareness to the various modes of social outcasting.

Humboldt Collegiate Institute acknowledged the day Wednesday, by presenting articles to each grade through their homeroom.

Shaun Gardiner, one of the school's Vice Principal's, says that each grade had an article targeting a specific form of bullying.

"The articles are set up particularly around each grade with a theme in mind, and then using a literacy strategy today, in regards to synthesizing," he noted. "The kids have a chance to break the article down, discuss with a staff member, discuss it internally amongst their group, and then decide what level of advocacy they want. That might be at a greater community level or right inside our school."

"At the grade 9 level, we decided to go with an article on name calling. At the grade 12 level, we decided to go with exclusion. The other two articles are on harassment, and the other one would be on sexting or those type of issues."

He added that each article wasn't picked due to current issues in the high school, but rather based on themes.

HCI Vice Principal Shaun Gardiner (left) speaks to a grade 12 class at HCI.

In past years, the school has contributed awareness with larger presentations, community events, and having guest speakers.

Being able to engage students on the topic of bullying, and perhaps inspire more community involvement is key to holding events each year, according to Gardiner.

"Anything around anti-bullying is important, whether it be at the classroom level each and every day, where we are talking to kids about these forms of bullying, or whether you're doing it at home as a parent," he stated. "I think our biggest role is continual education. We know it happens in perhaps a school level, we know it happens in the community, it happens worldwide."

"Instead of ignoring it, we have to accept the challenges of teaching our kids about social responsibility."

Pink being the theme, students and staff were also encouraged to wear the colour for the day.

You can listen to the full interview below.