Naicam's third annual winter gala in support of the North East Outreach and Support Services helped people in the area learn more about the services the group provides - and the need for them.

“People don't really realize, I think, the prevalence of these damaging incidents that happen within our communities and how we as a community need to come forward with awareness and funds and support by supporting each other through these kinds of events,” executive director  Louise Schweitzer said.

About 250 tickets were sold for the Saturday gala, which included a dancing with the stars event.

Schweitzer thanked those people who stepped out of their comfort zone.

"It allows people to, through the dancing, and all of those things, show positive interpersonal relations, positive interpersonal communication."

She thanks people for realizing it takes more than one or two people to end domestic violence.

“It takes your whole community. And Naicam truly shows us that's what they want to do."