As improvements wrap up for the range road on Muenster's west side, the village has a new addition thanks to an SGI Provincial Traffic Safety Fund grant. An electronic speed sign has been installed along the newly improved road to monitor drivers' speeds and remind motorists about the importance of driving cautiously.

Jan Sylvestre, village administrator, explains that the residential developments on the village's west side have led to a marked increase in foot traffic.

"We wanted to improve traffic safety for our pedestrians and vehicles, and so we applied to the grant program, and we were awarded around $3,500 to purchase and install the traffic speed sign. We located it along the range line road hoping that it will improve traffic safety in Muenster."

Speaking to the increase in foot traffic, Sylvestre noted that there were indications of 50 to 55 children crossing the road to head to school or sports and recreation facilities in the village. A similar number cross the east access road on College Avenue. Sylvestre says, "Seasonally, for school startup, it's quite a concern, and we want to make sure that the kids are safe crossing the streets. So we're hoping the sign will help to keep the speeds down especially in September when the kids are going back to school and getting used to crossing those roads."

The final touches are being put on the reconstruction of the road itself. Sylvestre explains that key areas of the road were dug down and the clay base was amended. This was followed by the installation of a Geotech membrane to prevent water and frost damage. The road is scheduled for dust suppression to be applied shortly.