Bruno based Sagehill Community Futures held their annual general meeting Wednesday night.

For 32 years the organization has been assisting local entrepreneurs and business owners through technical programs and financing in the region.

Chief Executive Officer Dianne Olchowski says the current economy has kept them busier of late.

"We went from averaging 300(calls) to 1,400 this past year, it was wild. We have four lines coming into the office and there's three of us, that fourth line would be ringing and all of us would be on the phone and we think, what the heck, how does this work? Emails would be popping up, you just think, wow."

Despite the overload in work they still managed to implement the 'Elevate' program which assists entrepreneurs who have a disability.

That initiative can include any number of expenditures as Olchowski explains.

"For example a handrail, or somebody needs a mentor, particularly we've noticed with some of the clients who have been diagnosed with different kinds of mental illness will need support in terms of a mentor of a life coach."

During the AGM, Splendor Garden owner Colleen Haussecker passed along messages regarding the success of her business in the area which now sells product in over 700 stores nation wide.

She wanted to share her passion as part of her message.

"It's something that you are driven with, it's not a job, it's a passion. Entrepreneurs never go to work, they never have to go to work, they love what they do and they are passionate about it. That's the kind of drive that you need to have a truly successful company or business."

During the AGM Sagehill also saw Courtney Skrupski(pictured below) step down from being the chair of the board, he has been an executive since 2011.