Heading into the final month of summer holidays, Saskatchewan highways will be busy as the August long weekend takes place.

With more traffic on roads, SGI is continuing to promote safety at the forefront.

"We unfortunately do hold one of the titles for having the least safe roads in the country that we took five of the big traffic safety initiatives that we are working on," Communications Consultant Marie Schultz said. "Speeding, seat belts and child restraints, impaired driving, distracted driving and driver fatigue."

While numbers for collisions involving alcohol and drugs are decreasing, Schultz is reminding drivers to be extra cautious during the long weekend.

"Since there is more traffic on the road that increases your chances of being in a collision so we want to tell drivers to always plan a safe ride home. Please don't drink and drive or use drugs."

It's not just motorists on the highway who need to be aware as well, with dirtbikes, ATV's, and other modes of transportation popular in the summer

"Even while driving on private land, every safety precaution is advised there," Schultz noted. "Make sure as a parent you go over the rules with them, because we don't want something like this to happen."

Schultz added that wearing proper equipment is essential.