Regardless of who you are music can move you, touch you, or even soothe you.

Babies to elders music can touch a person. Most people I know can name a favorite song, band, album, or concert that they have attended. As parents, we have a lullaby that we have sung or hummed to our infant in the most sleep deprived state in hopes that it will lull them to sleep.

Music has a way of connecting people and touching souls. From birth to death music is used to convey feelings and emotion and share something important in life.

But do we really understand why music is so influential in our lives? Do we know why a song speaks to us? Is it the lyrics? Is it the melody? Perhaps it's the structure of the notes?

Everyone in life can enjoy music even those who cannot hear, they can still feel the music. Don't believe me? Can you not feel the vibrations in the bass?

Music has a way to influence your mood and cause effects on your body.

You want to be motivated you put on your motivation playlist.

The point is music speaks to people and through music we can speak to people.