What Are Neighbours For!

The Region of East Central Saskatchewan has been pelted lately with wet and sticky snow over the last 36hrs.

After dozens of urges from my Mom to stay in Humboldt after work yesterda, I decided I knew better and was going to try and make it back home to the farm this afternoon. My confidence rose as I made my slowly but surely down the 368 highway. All the time smugly planning how I was going to cruise into the yard and tell my Mom how preposterous it was for me to stay in the city because of a bit of snow.

The roads were slushy, but I was careful and after an hour of expert maneuvering I made it to the Pleasantdale Grid.

Thinking to myself "How bad could it possibly be?" I venture forth. After a few miles of dragging, ploughing and spinning I knew I'd bitten off more than I could chew. My little Dart was never meant to drive through a foot of wet packed snow. After a valiant effort I found myself completely stuck in the middle of the road.

Push and pull, forward and reverse, no movement, I was stuck. The car was going nowhere. Luckily Todd Hedin (who lives 1 km from where I was stopped) and Jesse Gallays were driving right behind me. After a few minutes our neighbours Mike and Ailsa Cipywynk pulled up. The combined might of 4 could still not budge the car so Todd and Jesse went off to find a tow rope and shovel. Before we could mount a proper dig out, the worst possible thing happened... My Mom and Dad drove up. Quick with a "I told you! You should have stayed in Humboldt!" (Thanks Mom)

With some extensive shovelling, a few pushes and pulls we managed to pry the card from its snow prison and park it safely off the road. Dad dropped the old dodge in 4x4 and we were on our way home.

Some people may think living out in the backwoods isn't that appealing but its moments like this, that remind you that everyone along that lonely stretch of road has your back, and would will take hours out of their day to see you safely onto yours.

Thanks to neighbours and Mothers advice (which is pretty good sometimes... I suppose)