Everyone loves food, no question about it.

However, not all food rubs people in the right way. Some foods make you look for the nearest garbage can so you don't spit all over the place. What is one food you can't stand?

For some people, it's not the flavour, but the texture of certain foods that make them sick.

"I hate cooked mushrooms. How they turn all slimy and rubber-like makes me sick, but I'll eat them raw," said Jennifer Custance.

The favour can still be a huge factor, however. No matter how much seasoning or sauce you use to block out the original taste, it won't help.

"I can't stand Liver. The smell and taste make me vile. You know something is completely repulsive when mounds of ketchup don't help you choke it down," said Meegan Heather.

What is one food you hate?