Last night, Brad Wall and Cam Broten took part in the CBC Leaders debate. The two covered a number of topics but what did anybody really learn? 

I'm going to say nothing, if you look at Social media, people who were going to vote for Brad Wall or Cam Broten are still voting that way. Voters who were still undecided might not vote at all. The thing is the debate often degenerates into nothing more than who has the focus to keep talking over the other leader. Is that how we decide the winner of the debate? That's not debating that's called being rude.

The problem with the debate is that it so rehearsed and prearranged we really aren't watching how politically in-tuned the leaders are but rather who spits out facts louder and faster than their opponent.

If properly done debates can help inform the voter and let them decide who will best represent them and which party platform best suits their individual needs.

I'm disappointed the debate wasn't better moderated. I feel debates need to strictly be a question answer session. Moderators ask a leader a question he responds the other leader is then allowed to critique that response.

What did you think of the debate? Who won? Let your opinion be heard either by text (306) 320-7987, call (306) 682-0107 or commenting on the 107.5 Facebook page.