With all the warm weather the Humboldt area has seen in December, it makes people wonder if the warmer temperatures are here to stay for much longer. 

Saskatoon had the warmest December on record out of 126 years, with Environment Canada saying the mean temperature averaged 8.9 degrees warmer than normal.

Meteorologist Justin Shelley with Environment Canada says people can expect to see normal temperatures return in the coming weeks. 

“We’re going to see a bit of a change in the pattern as we head later into this week where we have been seeing temperatures well above normal pretty much for the entire month of December, which continued yesterday. We’re seeing those temperatures cool down a bit closer to normal.”

Shelley says the normal high temperature is around -13 degrees and the overnight low temperatures are around the -25 mark. 

“We’ve certainly been seeing temperatures well above those values for a few weeks now, but we are going to start seeing those numbers start returning closer to normal by the weekend.”

The weekend could potentially bring in some snowfall, says Shelley. 

“At this time, it doesn't look like we are going to see snowfall amounts of large significance, but it does look like we will see a quick shot of 2-5 centimeters on Friday.”

You can see the weather forecast by clicking here.