It was a successful year for the Humboldt and District Hospital Foundation, as they raised funds to support the Humboldt Hospital. 

“Anytime we can meet all of the equipment needs of our health care facility, we celebrate that accomplishment as a success, and we were able to do that once again. Working with Partners Family Services to bring Dr. Jody Carrington to Humboldt was also a wonderful experience,” explained Lorrie Bunko, Executive Director of the Humboldt and District Hospital Foundation.

Bunko explained that with successes, comes challenges, and this year was the critical request to fund the replacement of the nurse call system.

“Once we were able to discuss this request with the Ministry and the SHA, we came to an agreement to equally share the cost of the project.”

Bunko states that the Foundation is currently working on some advocacy work, and will share more details at the beginning of 2024. 

“On behalf of the Humboldt and District Hospital Foundation’s Board of Directors, I would like to express a heartfelt thank you to all of our donors, healthcare workers, and volunteers. They are the people who allow our district to have the health care services that we do because of their dedication.”