Harvest continues to progress ahead of schedule.

The latest crop report from Saskatchewan's Ministry of Agriculture from September 15 - 21 shows that the Northeastern region has 51 per cent of the crop combined. This is up from 33 percent the week prior and ahead of the five-year average for this time of year at 40 per cent. Another 40 per cent of the crop is swathed or ready to straight cut.

Due to spotty rainfall, some harvest operations suffered small setbacks. With that said, the rain has also resulted in the crops coming off tough. This wet weather has farmers placing their grain in aeration bins and grain driers. This weekend, in particular, will delay harvest on a larger scale in the region with up to 10mm of rain coming down.

Most of the crop damage last week as a result of wind, frost, and wildfowl. 

Farmers are now busy swathing, combining, drying grain, and hauling bales.