Spring is in the air, even while snow remains on the ground. It’s a great time to plan ahead on how you want to connect with nature. On Wednesday, April 5, the Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) will be hosting an online Facebook event where attendees can get some gardening guidance. 

The main talk of the event will be to discuss native plant species you can plant in your yard or even on your balcony. Having some native plants in your yard supports biodiversity and provides a better habitat for native species in the area. They often have more nutritional value.  

“Many people wish to protect nature around them but may need a bit of guidance and advice,” says Mhairi McFarlane, PhD, the director of science and stewardship with NCC.  

The event will also be a great place if you have any questions about gardening native plants. You can find out which plants are best for native species, how to squirrel proof a bird feeder, learn about bees in your yard, and even how to get involved if you don’t have a garden or balcony. You can also visit the Canadian Council on Invasive Species’ Be Plant Wise program or check out the NCC's website to find out which plants you should avoid. The iNaturalist app can also help identify the plants that are already in your yard.

The event will be begin at 3:30 p.m. on April 5 on their Facebook event page, and people are welcome to check it out early and ask some questions in advance.